Make a difference for tomorrow, Today.

It all starts here with you.

Trash and waste product in the environment threatens every part of the planet. It’s a global problem that requires global cooperation.

Our mission is to create international consensus around the trash emergency, as well a shared plan for saving the planet’s most exceptional resources.


Changing the world is possible. We’ve done it before.

Our goal is to bring people into contact with the issues and effects that waste and trash can have on the environment. We want to educate the youth to make an ever lasting impact and difference in their life through this experience.


Ready to take the next steps?

This is a movement and idea being spurred on by the youth for the benefit of our future generations. We have seen how the mistakes of past generations have impacted our environment but now we can be the change we want to see tomorrow, today.

Let’s meet up to learn more about Earth Rights.


Sign up to be the first to know about our upcoming events.

We will be visiting a number of colleges this upcoming fall and hosting webinars for Q&A!